An apt name, that. After the near-terminal tribulations endured by Saab, this concept represents a bold new future for the firm. (The capitalised 'X',incidentally, refers to their 'XWD' four-wheel drive system.) The design, it goes without saying, is radical. Penned by Jason Castriota, the draughtsman behind the Ferrari P4/5 and Bertone Mantide, it showcases a new design language that Saab choose to call 'aeromotional'.
There's a BMW engine in there; a 1600cc turbocharged four offering 200bhp, coupled with a 34bhp electric motor charged by a kind of KERS system. So, it's attractive, aggressive, quick enough to be fun, reasonably green... it's all pie in the sky, right?
Hopefully not. If you cross your fingers hard enough, this could morph into the next Saab 9-3.

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